Atelier-jonque de géométries spirituelles

jeudi 28 juin 2007

Spiriphiles (3)

En résonance avec la cosmogonie Maya, il est question, ces temps-ci du fameux alignement de 2012.

December solstice sun will be conjuncting the bright band of the Milky Way around the year A.D. 2012! First, the 13-baktun cycle of the Maya Long Count calendar ends on December 21, 2012. Second, a very rare alignment in the cycle of the precession of the equinoxes culminates on that day.(…)
The ecliptic crosses over the Milky Way at a 60° angle near the constellation Sagittarius. As such, it forms a cross with the Milky Way, and this cosmic cross was called the Sacred Tree by the ancient Maya (The cross form was also known as the "crossroads."). Amazingly, the center of this cosmic cross, that is, right where the ecliptic crosses over the Milky Way, is exactly where the December solstice sun will be in A.D. 2012. This alignment occurs only once every 25,800 years.
John Major Jenkins, Introduction to Maya Cosmogenesis 2012.

Géométrie de la Sainte Croix



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